Mississippi Queen Farms is a local, Saint Louis based, organic farm and apiary. Located along the Mississippi river our bees produce delicious unpasteurized local honey that we are excited to share with you. Our mother-son founders, MaryAnn and Nicolas Pitti, have been greatly enjoying their time and experiences as beekeepers. They completed the 3 Rivers Beekeeping mentorship program for new beekeepers and are excited to deepen their understanding of the fascinating intricacies of honey bees.
Currently, swarm collection and honey bee colony removal is a real joy for us. After a safe removal, we put the hives in quarantine and then integrate them into our apiary once the new hive is deemed healthy. These local, feral bees are often better at surviving the midwest winter than commercial bees! If you are in a situation needing bees removed, we would love to remove hives or swarms this season and would appreciate a call for consultation. Also, we are happy you are here on our page, and look forward to sharing our best products with you! If you are interested in seeing pictures of our apiary and/or swarm collections, please visit one of our online pages listed below.